It all begins with the idea - to obtain health.

Dr. Michael Bannon

BDS - University of Sydney, MDSc - University of Melbourne, FRACDS, MRACDS (Perio)

For over 25 years, Michael has been a specialist periodontist based in Miranda treating patients from the Sutherland Shire and broader Sydney.

Michael graduated in dentistry in 1983 and worked in private practice in the Snowy Mountains and Sydney completing a FRACDS by examination before undertaking specialist study at the University of Melbourne in 1993, and then Westmead Hospital obtaining specialist registration in NSW in 1997.

Michael has worked in specialist practice since 1997 and has been involved in postgraduate teaching in periodontics and in the graduate diploma of implant dentistry (University of Sydney).

Michael was awarded the title of Specialist Clinical Associate in recognition of his contribution to teaching.

Michael was granted MRACDS (Periodontics) in 2009.

Michael has published in the Journal of Periodontology and Journal of Dental Research on research on the antibody immune response in periodontitis and dentine sensitivity.


  • Australian and New Zealand Academy of Periodontists

  • American Academy of Periodontology

  • Australian Dental Association

  • Australian Society of Periodontology


  • CPP-ACP Dentine sensitivity Journal of Dental Research

  • IgG response in periodontitis- Journal of Periodontology

  • Diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of periodontitis

  • Periodontal surgery

    Resective and regenerative procedures

  • Periodontic plastic surgery

    Root coverage procedures

    Crown lengthening

  • Surgical placement of implants